1915 – Pointer of Weimar:
Colour: Varies from silver grizzle to mouse grizzle, often clearer on the head and on the ears. White patches on the chest and feet are objectionable, and tan markings are decided faults.
Height: 26 in.
Weight: 70 lbs
In general appearance the dog of Weimar is of medium size but with muscles not so well developed as the German Pointer.
The head is rather light, and narrow in skull, and the occipital bone well developed. The jaws are long, lips pendulous without exaggeration, and the muzzle broad. Eyes of medium size, yellow brown in colour. Nose flesh-colored, joining on to the muzzle in clear violet tint. The ears are light and somewhat pointed. Tail rather thin and short.
Source: Dogs of All Nations by WE Mason 1915
On the occasion of the Panama- Pacific International Exposition 1915
Dogs of All Nations by W.E. Mason was produced for the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition* and was intended to be a concise collection of narratives of various dogs of the world, extant at that time.
* The Panama–Pacific International Exposition (PPIE) was a world’s fair held in San Francisco, in the United States, in February 1915. Its ostensible purpose was to celebrate the completion of the Panama Canal, but it was widely seen in the city as an opportunity to showcase its recovery from the 1906 earthquake.